With reference to the recent haze situation, Little Swim School will suspend swim classes should the 1-hr PM 2.5 readings cross into Band III (High).

It has been recommended that when in need of making a decision to head outdoors for an activity in the next few hours, one should be “referring to the one-hour PM2.5 concentration readings instead.”

“The NEA states that the one-hour PM2.5 is a “good indicator of current air quality”.

Source: https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/explainer-haze-threat-back-heres-how-interpret-various-air-quality-readings

The 24-hr PSI values are of an average value over a 24 hour period, and can take a longer time to rise and reflect accurately in the case of a worsening air quality situation that is deteriorating with each passing hour. This works likewise too, in the case of an improving air quality situation, in which the high values do not correspond with the 1-hr PM2.5 readings that would show a current state of improvement.

For our Yio Chu Kang and Sembawang teaching venues, we will refer to the latest and most recent hourly readings of the 1-hr PM2.5 values for the “North” region.

For our Queenstown and Westway teaching venues, we will refer to the latest and most recent hourly readings of the 1-hr PM2.5 values for the “South” region.

Please remember to click on the “1-hr PM2.5” tab when visiting the NEA website – www.haze.gov.sg